วันศุกร์ที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

In fact, the closer the game, the more suspension there is.

A brief but important mention of the letter in today’s Times signed by over 100 cancer scientists and doctors.  The letter cites Breast Cancer Campaign (an AMRC member) and highlights the importance of the Government-backed Charity Research Support Fund (CRSF) to the funding of research in universities by medical research charities. 

If you want a succinct but well-articulated case for CRSF then you need look no further than this letter.  And it’s significant in my opinion that the argument is being made directly by scientists themselves rather than charities.  This is not special pleading.  The fact is that the Fund is an important foundation for the partnership between Government, universities and charities in the name of research, and a vital mechanism for helping to leverage research funds from our sector.

You may also wish to look at the joint statement on CRSF that AMRC produced with BHF, Breast Cancer Campaign, Cancer Research UK, the Wellcome Trust, Universities UK and the Russell Group in July this year.  The statement was submitted with our spending review submission.

All our discussions with Government thus far suggest the arguments for the Fund have been accepted just as those on ‘science = economic growth’ were taken on board by HM Treasury with its spending review announcement.  But how this translates into actual money won’t be known for possibly a few weeks yet. So letters like today’s can play a useful role in keeping the issues to the fore.

Reference research: research Dr. and computer research and general research and recent update

finance promote

วันศุกร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

The gurus understand that.

I am a veteran. I was in the U.S. Army for three years, and, during that time, served in the Vietnam War. Also, I have a couple of long-standing illnesses. Nothing is currently threatening my life but I do have medical considerations. Both of these situations have put me in the position to participate in research projects. Should a person participate in a research project?

Are there results that make participating in a study worthwhile; yes! The VA alone has developed artificial limbs for amputees; invented the cardiac pacemaker; performed the first successful liver transplant and developed the nicotine patch to name just a few accomplishments. ((DVA ORCA 1B 10-54 page 3)

A research study is a study about a certain medical condition, or procedure, or effect of medication. It may be one of many different approaches to solving a problem that affects human beings.

People participate in studies to find cures for illnesses; to find better care; and, to battle an illness in which a person may have a particular interest, or indeed, may suffer from.

When considering whether or not to participate in any particular study, it is necessary to know that there may or may be direct benefits to you. There may be a benefit regarding a medical condition you may have, or, in some cases, you may be paid to volunteer. However, hand in hand with that, there may be risks and side effects when participating is a study.

There are many, many questions that a person should ask before participating in a study. Just a few are; "Who is doing the study and why?" "What tests and procedures will be done?" "What can happen to me good and bad if I participate?" "Will I be paid anything?" "Will I be told the results of this study?" "Is it possible I will receive a placebo?" "What happens if my condition gets worse?" (DVA ORCA 1B 10-54 page 11) These are just some of the questions that it makes sense to ask.

You should always make sure that there is comprehensive attention given to "Informed Consent", which is a point where you, as the participant, are given complete information about the study so that you can make an intelligent decision as to whether or not you should participate.

Finally, it is important to know who may see the results. Typically, the results will only be seen by researchers as part of the study. However, I have learned, especially in studies where you are paid, that the results may be sold; it is important that you know too whom the information might be given or sold.

Research studies are most important to mankind. We learn about diseases and quality of life. Further, you never know when a project you participate in may help you or someone in your family. However, as noble as this cause is, it is always important to be diligent in your research about the research.

Reference research: beauty research and computer research and general research and my bookmark page


วันอังคารที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553


Here are five topics for research in education. The perfect gift for the college student wondering what to select as a topic, or the educational professional seeking to enlighten us with a breakthrough or two.

What nutritional elements elevate learning abilities?

Are there foods that aid in the educational process? Certainly there are foods to be avoided, such as an excess of sugar and the caffeine laden drinks that send my fourth grade students bouncing off the walls. There are the “New Age,” well intentioned, but ill informed folks, who would have us eat nothing but dandelion leaves. There are the hucksters promoting their “overnight weight loss/increased sex drive/mind calming/IQ enhancing wonder diets,” each bearing the disclaimer, “these findings are not substantiated by scientific research.” But is there any real scientific data out there? I’d be fascinated to learn.

What methods most greatly encourage elementary school students to read for pleasure?

What is the psychology behind the impetus some students feel, and some students will never experience? Is there a proven existent paradigm for greater success? What are the latest and most promising approaches? How do I break down the reluctant reader and infuse them with a least a cursory desire to read? All of these questions spark my intense interest.

Are newly arriving freshmen college students better or more ill prepared academically than 1966’s freshmen?

Educators decry the state of affairs of all things educational, and routinely proclaim a crisis is coming or already upon us. But just as every generation in America has resisted and maligned the favored music of their offspring, I suspect this educational outrage is equally ongoing and unending. Is there data supporting the claims that today’s freshmen are more ill equipped to deal with college life?

How does physical movement benefit brain development in elementary students?

I was amazed to learn of the correlation between regular physical movement and brain development in young children. What programs exist that would aid in my bringing movement - and by extension, greater brain development – to my students? What are the latest research findings on physical education’s impact on other areas of learning? What is the physiology involved?

How does art instruction influence other academic progress?

I infuse all my courses with art, and have found it tremendously helpful in capturing the attention of my students. I want to learn more about how art impacts student development, both to make myself better able to utilize this tool and to give myself greater justification for using it. I want to glean all the latest and most well documented research that supports my view that art instruction compliments all other subject lesson planning, captures the attention of a segment of students who would otherwise remain apathetic, and broadens the academic universe of all students.

As this is one of my own personal favorite topics, I'll throw in a thesis, free of charge.   “Art instruction in elementary school curriculums – often among the first targets of politicians seeking to balance budgets – is a powerful and practical educational tool, with far reaching and often underappreciated benefits.”

Possible subtopics include art as a means to reach at-risk and otherwise educationally challenged students; how art instruction gives students a welcome respite from more difficult subjects, re-energizes and makes them better able to focus; how art education compliments and augments standard educationally required subjects; statistical data suggesting (or proving) that students who receive instruction in art have higher grades and do better on standardized tests (assuming this is demonstrable). 

Let's see some data collecting out there!

Reference research: research Dr. and health research and shopping research and my social page

social bookmark

วันศุกร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

research channel

Citizens in Missouri will be voting November 7 to decide whether to amend the state’s constitution for medical reasons.
The vote in Missouri may have national implications regarding the future of stem cell research and its implications. Both sides of the issue have launched aggressive media campaigns regarding the issue, and politicians are choosing sides.
The question becomes what exactly does the amendment allow and disallow.
The specific wording of the ballot questions is, "Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to allow and set limitations on stem cell research, therapies, and cures which will:
• ensure Missouri patients have access to any therapies and cures, and allow Missouri researchers to conduct any research, permitted under federal law;
• ban human cloning or attempted cloning;
• require expert medical and public oversight and annual reports on the nature and purpose of stem cell research;
• impose criminal and civil penalties for any violations; and
• prohibit state or local governments from preventing or discouraging lawful stem cell research, therapies and cures?"
Opponents claim that the amendment will allow biotech companies to promote human cloning in the name of research. One organization, Missourians Against Human Cloning, has a web-site and radio ads claiming that the language of the amendment is sufficiently vague as to allow cloning if corporations justify it as research.
Other opponents claim that the amendment is vague as to whether it is in support of stem cell research or not. Still others view the amendment as acquiescing the state’s responsibility to the federal government by saying Missouri researchers would be allowed “to conduct any research permitted by federal law.”
Proponents, led by the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures, claim that the amendment is needed to make sure that politicians don’t take any action to prevent Missouri residents from accessing medical research completed with stem cells that results in new medical treatments.
The ads for the coalition feature doctors and prominent medical researchers discussing the types of diseases that scientists hope might be cured or at least treated due to stem-cell research. Specific diseases touted as targets for stem cell research include diabetes, Lou
Gehrig’s disease (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ALS), Parkinson’s disease, cancer, sickle cell disease and many others.
The coalition has enlisted the support of former Senator and Epicopalian Minister John Danforth as well.
In a statement released by the coalition, Danforth said, “I'm pro-life. During my entire career, I voted pro-life. I strongly support the Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative because it will save lives and because it respects the sanctity of life."
The issue has many complex sides that are side-stepped or addressed only by vagaries in the advertising. Danforth mentioned his anti-abortion stance, but did not discuss why that was pertinent to the amendment. The amendment does not limit the manner in which stem cells for research may be obtained.
Anti-abortion foes have at other times opposed stem cell research because stem cells can be obtained through aborted fetuses. The amendment does not address that issue.
Both sides also have made an issue of the discussion of human cloning. Opponents claim that the bill will allow or possibly even force government funding of human cloning. Proponents say the language of the amendment specifically forbids human cloning.
The amendment is a designed to define the state’s approach to a national issue aand will be decided Nov. 7.

Reference research: finance research and home research and shopping research and my bookmark page

Web Directory List

วันพุธที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Hi, my blogger url is outfitadditions.

artful blogging by abbytrysagain

WordPress is a free, blog publishing platform that enables you to create a weblog on your website. This immensely popular open source blogging application is written in the PHP scripting language and backed by MySQL.

WordPress has evolved from a simple blog management application into a full content management system. Its features include link management, typographic filters, multiple authors, IP address blocking, and the ability to store a list of blog visitors.

While WordPress is a content management system like Joomla, there is a way to incorporate WordPress into your Joomla website so that you can access all of your blogs through Joomla. Importing WordPress onto a Joomla site requires a series of carefully executed steps.

This tutorial will walk you through two methods by which you can import Wordpress into your Joomla website. Here's how:

Step #1
First, you need backup your WordPress site so that you can be able to import it later. Simply use the backup manager included with WordPress.

Step #2
Once you have saved your WordPress site to your hard drive, you need to then install Joomblog. You can download the full Joomblog package from the link: extensions.joomla.org. You need to make sure that the package contains 4 files:

com_joomblog_2.2 RC4.zip (the main component)
mod_joomblog_2.2 RC4.zip (the module used for registering and moderating users)
bot_joomblog_2.2 RC4.zip (a bot that allows comments to blog posts)
plug_cbjoomblogtag 1.0.zip ( the Community Builder plug-in)

Step #3
Now that you have downloaded and installed Joomblog, you need to click Components. On the drop-down menu, click Joomblog.

Step #4
Now all you need to do is select the WordPress file you backed up and click Import WordPress.

You can now view your articles by clicking Content by Section and then WordPress_Joomla.

And you are done!

Import Wordpress into Your Joomla Website using JD-WordPress
An alternate method for importing your WordPress site on Joomla is by using JD-WordPress. This is a Joomla component designed to integrate WordPress into Joomla

Step #1
First, you need backup your WordPress site so that you can be able to import it later. Simply use the backup manager included with WordPress.
Next, download and install JD-WordPress.

Step #2
You will then need to import the WordPress backup file you had saved earlier into the directory being used by Joomla.

Step #3
Once the WordPress backup file has been uploaded, you need to click Components. On the components menu, you need to then click JD-WordPress and then Manage.

Step #4
Once accessed, you can edit each of your posts and put them in categories. Once you have sorted out all of your posts, you will then click Save.

And you are done!

Now that you have imported your WordPress site onto your Joomla site you can now start posting new blogs in addition to the blogs previously posted on your WordPress site.

By incorporating a blog publishing application like WordPress with Joomla, you now have more options available with your blog posts. You can now allow visitors to post comments and replies on your blogs in addition to the numerous features available on Joomla.

Source article: online blogging communities and online blogging sites and free blog layouts and Blogging Host and free blog backgrounds

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

research methods in anthropology

Alternative energy research in universities or with university and corporate partnerships has been very effective. Decades of biomass and tree research conducted together by Florida State University and Shell Energy corporation have resulted in the planting of the vastest "Energy Crop Plantation" in all of the US. Through alternative energy research on the university level, a plantation has been created that spans about 130 acres while being home to more than 250,000 planted trees including eucalyptus (which are non-invasive) and cottonwoods (native to the area) along with various row crops such as soybeans. This bringing together of "super trees" happened as a result of the University's alternative energy research with other parties including Shell, the Common Purpose Institute, US Department of Energy, and groups of sundry individuals who are interested in alternative energy research into energy sources that are not dependent on fossil fuels for our civilization's future. Alternative energy research undertaken by the University is focused on the creation of of biomass energy supplies from rapid-growth crops which is called "closed loop biomass" or just "energy crops". The research looks for ways to develop "power plants" like wood-fiber or wood-pulp providing plants; clean biogas for industries to use; plants like surgarcane that can be used for the development of ethanol; and crops like soybeans for use in biodiesel fuel production.

University involvement in alternative energy research also has a place at Penn State University. The alternative energy research here is focused on the development of hydrogen power, which is envisioned by many as one of the most practical alternative energy sources. Those who are doing this research at Penn State University believe that civilization is moving toward an economy that will be based on hydrogen fuel because of the need to reduce air polluting emissions while finding alternative sources of energy to that of petroleum to drive the engine of the United States. Hydrogen energy is clean burning and it can be endlessly renewed due to the fac that it can be taken up from water and crop plants. Hydrogen power is looked to as a sustainable energy resource and one that can be uncovered within the United States' infrastructure as the world's supply of affordable oil reaches its peak and then declines, driving up its cost. The University through its alternative energy research desire to further the commercial development of hydrogen powered fuel cells. These would be usable in conjunction with or in place of combustion engines to power our vehicles.

Not too long ago, President Bush announced his alternative energy initiative. He determined that the federal government would create five "Sun Grant" centers for concentrated alternative energy research. Oregon State University was honored by being made one of these centers. OSU has been allocated government grants of $2 million for each of the next four years so that it can pursue its alternative energy research. The Univeristy will be the leading center for researching alternative energy while it symbolizes the energy interests of the Pacific Islands, the United States' Pacific Territories, and nine western states. University President Edward Ray says, "The research being conducted through OSU's Sun Grant center will contribute directly to our meeting President Bush's challenge for energy independence." Those projects concerning alternative energy that the University's various teams of scientists are pursuing include figuring out how to efficiently convert organic materials like straw into sources for renewable biomass fuels and the study of how to efficiently get liquid fuel from wood fibers.

Reference research: beauty research and computer research and sport research and my bookmark page

Web Directory Submission

วันเสาร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

research medical center

Today's educators are bombarded with information from all sides about the latest and greatest research-based instructional techniques in teaching. With all these crazes about instructional methods and the confusion about which one really works and which one is a dud, no wonder our teachers are so exhausted! As charming and inspirational as all these latest claims and success stories seem to be, educators need to be careful when choosing and implementing a new or old "miracle" instruction method. There are things a teacher needs to do before making any big changes to their curriculum and instruction.

First things first, what supporting evidence is there? Educators need to use their resources wisely and take all initial information with skepticism. Before actually outright backing the "amazing" new research supporting a particular method, whether it be Indirect Instruction, Cooperative learning, etc..., educators must do their research. Talk to colleagues, look the strategy up online, check out education magazines and journals, and any other resource material available. Find out what evidence there is out there to support the research-based strategy. Furthermore, make sure the sources you are calling upon for information are reliable. Reliable sources offer reliable evidence, so seek out unbiased, professional resources. Weigh pros and cons, consistencies and inconsistencies, before making a decision on the strategy at hand.

After thorough research has been done, the next important question is: "How should the research-based program be implemented?" And "What methods does the research show to be most advantageous?" These questions' answers would most probably appear in your research since it was suppose to be incredibly thorough. If not, you'll want to look it up. Many teachers forget this step, and as Grassen states in the article "What Does It Mean To Be a Research-Based Profession" teachers simply aren't properly implementing research-based strategies are thus losing out on potential benefits of the programs. "Cooperative learning was designed to complement teacher-directed instruction by providing further opportunity for students to work together using what they have learned. In most schools today, cooperative learning is used to replace teacher-directed instruction and students are expected to construct their own knowledge working in groups." (N.d). Clearly, teachers need to put a great deal of thought into this step as improper implementation of the program can have catastrophic consequences on learners.

Read up on each research-based method, decide what sorts of lessons would benefit from their use, and which wouldn't. Talk to colleagues about what methods they use in the classroom, why, and how they implement them. Most of all, be aware of comparisons being drawn between different research-based strategies. Look for comparative studies as opposed to non-comparative studies. Comparative studies are more likely to give you accuracy in research. Educators need to look at the whole picture. How is class A using strategy A performing compared to class B using strategy B? How do these same classes perform after trading strategies? How is school A using strategy A performing compared to school B using strategy B? And so on...

Lastly, before implementing any research-based strategy, an educator should ask themselves "Am I biased?" Be sure to be honest with yourself. Try to go into deliberation with an open and unbiased mind. Take into account all reliable sources whether they are in-line with your initial beliefs or opinions on the strategy or not. Remain unbiased until the end. Your openness and willingness to learn can determine the accuracy of your research.

There are a great many research-based programs out there and being implemented everyday. Many of them just don't have the proper supporting research for an educator, especially a new and inexperienced one, to simply throw their weight behind. Don't ask your students to do homework without doing your own. Research your methods before putting them into practice. Find out what's behind them, what's supporting them, and how they should be used to the biggest advantage in the classroom. Without such information your newest instructional plan could be a huge failure. Don't follow fads and trends, look for rock solid evidence and implementation methods before making that big leap of bringing it into your classroom.


Grossen, B. (n.d). What Does It Mean To Be a Research-Based Profession? Retrieved March 8, 2007, from University of Oregon, Eugene Website: http://darkwing.uoregon.edu

Northwest Regional Education Laboratory. (2005). Research-Based Strategies. Retrieved March 5, 2007 from, Focus on Effectiveness Web site: http://www.netc.org/focus/strategies/

Reference research: finance research and computer research and travel research and my social page

Social Networking for Business